Season's Greetings!

'98 is just about done and what a year it's been!

We did some skiing last winter. On one trip, we forced our buddies Zoran and Anita to come up to Bear Valley with us. Even though Zoran hadn't been on skis in 10 years, he did great! bear9803.jpg (20452 bytes)
kauai22.jpg (20570 bytes) We took our annual vacation to Hawaii (Kauai and the big island). This required us to play lots of golf. Even though the tradewinds were blowing at 40 knots, the courses there were so beautiful it didn't matter if you hit the ball (mostly we didn't!)
We had a kick-ass memorial day party, inviting bunches of friends and all of George's company Zip2. Total attendance was just under 100 people, starting at 2 in the afternoon and winding down around 3AM the next day... Everyone got home safe and no one got arrested ;-) memday98_02.jpg (20345 bytes)
the cliff divers of sedona! We spent the Fourth of July in Sedona, Arizona at Chris' parents' place, golfing and jumping off cliffs and doing Telco repair work.
Louis and Kay came down from Seattle to go to the annual Jimmy Buffer concert, and Paul Kamp was in town, so we roped him in also! bdog04.gif (38010 bytes)
toto, we're not in kansas anymore... MJ went crazy on Halloween costumes this year. We did Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion and MJ built both costumes in 3 days!
MJ is still working at Netpulse, doing a little bit of everything. Their sales are great with an installed base and backlog of almost 1000 machines! She ended up traveling a bunch this year for weddings and birthdays- 3 trips to the east coast in July and August alone.
George is still at Zip2- it'll be 2 years in January. After completing a very successful Real Estate product, he's working on a Community product the partners are clamoring for. Look for it in Q1 1999.
George's kids are doing great. Becky's at Georgia Tech, 1 credit hour short of being a senior. She recently got engaged to this great guy- Brian- but they're waiting until she graduates in May, 2000 before tying the knot. beckintub.jpg (12299 bytes)
nick002.gif (33848 bytes) Nick's still living at home with Patti and will be attending Perimeter College in January, then attending UGA next fall.
And, yes, the Saab still on the road- 227K miles and it still starts everyday. George is making noises about how it's too slow and he's scheduled the acquisition of a '93 or '94 Saab Turbo for Spring, 2000, when his alimony payments are finally over. saab001.gif (21727 bytes)
xmas9702.jpg (12955 bytes) Caesar and Zuni are doing great, loving life at AHR.
And recently, our roommate Chris moved to his own bachelor pad in Mountain View- single woman of Silicon Valley, Look Out! memday98_21.jpg (23806 bytes)


So, Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!
Let's hope 1999 brings health, happiness and prosperity to everyone!

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