Becky's Summer

father and daughter reunion? Becky and dog Pete spent the summer interning here in Silicon Valley. She lived at AHR and drove the truck around and got to hang out and party with dear old dad and MJ.
Here she is with dad and dave at the California Cafe. The occasion was dad's bday. She tried the Talbott chardonnary and decided that wine wasn't that bad after all!
One weekend we took rebecca up to Napa. We went to ZD (left) and Gloria Ferrer's champagne cellars (right); Grgich and several more. Becky seemed to enjoy herself...!
HERE's becky being mauled by our dog pack.   Pete is the large, black object to the left.  Because he spent many of his formative years living in a frat house, pete is extremely mellow... and enjoys a good cold beer from time to time ;-)
BRIAN showed up for a couple of weekends.   Becky dragged him over to the Cupertino Art and Fart Festival and they bought ... a chair.  The challenge was to package it for safe travel on the airplane.  So, here we are 1 hour before flight time with the finished product- lovely, eh..!
Becky also got to meet some of MJ's old compatriots from Netpulse.  Here we are at some random italian resturant; she's getting glittered by our waiter... (free service to all paying customers..)

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