MJ Leaves Netpulse

dan and ginny sittin' in a tree... Dan & Ginny welcome you to the Margaritaville beer bash...featuring Jimmy Buffet and brought to you by the Network Ops and QA departments!

[ed- that's not alcohol Ginny's holding, is it???  shades of things to come...stay tuned]

Kevin can't help but ask MJ about the production server PO...  "What's this $300 charge for 24x7 support...are you SURE we need that??!" you know, this fun with fonics is really helping me on the job
i'll pretend to play and you pretend to look happy in your new shirt! The first and last time Mary Anne will wear a hawaiian shirt ;)


The Netpulse band is Rockin' doesn't this happen at all silicon valley companies?
guess what- ginny's just moving her lips- she doesn't know the words! MJ & Mary Anne as lead vocalists....
Then the party really got rockin'...here's the group waiting for a table at Chevy's...nice look, Jack ;) coming soon to a post office wall near you.
how many margs was that, bill?


The group...nice hat, Z, very tasteful... my graduating class, 1999
it was THIS big! Steve does his best Kevin impression...
George Appears in the return of the orange coat. zamera gets fresh- george fights her off
boy, the stuff we do for good friends. Zamira shows her true colors!!  (This is great blackmail material...)  Just you wait for football season.

Brett  F A V R A !

but, admit it, Z, he is cute!
'100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer...' No really mom, we weren't drinking!
Can i have my hat back now... please...? don't hurt me, please, don't hurt me...
we'll be leaving employment apps on the Chatz counter starting in June...stay tuned Robin and the ex-CHATZ employees...Gloria, when are you going to work for Netpulse??
Its TOTALLY you Jack! do you want this man QA'ing your code?
i would, but i lost count... :-( Mary Anne I think you should stop after number 3...


this is gonna hurt...
this is really gonna hurt...



tomorrow, this is really gonna hurt!
well, at least we haven't had to call 911 yet... This group obviously doesn't get out much!
Back at the office, the band jams again...although a little out of sync...I wonder why??!! back at the ranch, kimosabi is learning the words to supermodel!
The Village People in drag? Z, is that David Lee Roth???  or Jack FURR??.


ok, carol, we can't fool you- it's really MJ in disguise.
the finale... until the next time Sure...we can sing...how about SUPERMODEL?

(Jessica, you don't have anything to worry about...)

Thanks everyone - I had a wonderful time!

I'm going to miss you all very much...please keep in touch!!!!     MJ :)

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