the Girls- May 2005

The girls like the new play yard on the side of the house and can't wait to try it out.
They also love making bubbles- they have these massive wands and create bubbles the size of basketballs.. then they catch them again!
They also love jumpy houses- this one was set up at the Saratoga Art Festival.  As soon as they spotted it, they made a beeline for it...
May marks the beginning of the beach season and we went several times.
The Pacific Ocean is chilly (50s); and the girls enjoy tempting fate- fortunately there usually aren't many waves here.
Taylor, Jordan and their buddy Theo.
Minna and Taylor.
Caky and Joepa came to visit in May- this is where the Mom-Wagon comes in handy!
Jordan has a friend ;-)
Out to dinner at The Basin in downtown Saratoga.
HERE's Caky, Blue Dog, Taylor and MJ.
And here's dad with his two girls- he somehow got them to wear their grown up pants and smile all at the same time.
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