the Girls- November 2005

Now we wear helmets whenever we ride outside the house.  These trikes should be yielding to big girl bikes come christmas!
Jordan (at the ripe old age of 4 years, 9 months) decided to lose her first tooth!
Taylor continues to be the budding artist.
HERE's a little purse that she built all by herself!
Our daughter- policewoman- Nahhhhhh!
Breakfast of champions! Hot dogs and Ketchup (and she's eating them!)
We give Blue Dog and Huggy a bath in the new washer and dryer. The girls sit and watch their friends until the suds cover them up.
We're trying to teach them how to help with laundry- the lessons aren't going well, but they seem to enjoy it.
These objects d'art are turkeys decorated with hand cutouts- they seem pretty proud of themselves!
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