
Soon after we moved to Carlisle, MJ got involved with the local playgroups.  Within 2 weeks, she took over running her playgroup; now she helps manage all of them.
Playgroups are organized largely by age.  The location rotates thru all the moms in the groups.  Here's the kidlets at our house.
Another view of our house- as you can see, what a disaster!  Talk about herding cats...! 
Here's Camie, practicing her standing skills.
Another week, another location.  Here's the group at Cathie's house to celebrate Halloween.  
Our neighbor JJ (Vaughan's dad) stopped by for a bit.
Scary?  NOT!
Amy holding Jordan
Taylor with Douglas
Maggie, Vaughan and Erin
the whole crew... (in 5 years, they'll all be in the same class!!!)
There's a new set of triplets in Carlisle and here they are-  Catherine, Douglas and Caroline.
A week later, Carlisle had the kid's Halloween parade- here fellow mom Terry and and son James.
Terry and James; and Madeline and her mother with her twins!
More of the Stevenson triplets-..(imagine going to the mall with this crew!  mary beth stevenson does it all the time!)
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