Solid Food

When they were 5-1/2 months old, we started the kids on solid food.  This is an interesting exercise, since all they know how to do is suck; so they had to learn to chew and swallow.  Also, we were still in the lovely corporate condo and we didn't have any high chairs, so they got fed in their bouncy chairs...
...and we had to get new bibs for them- this is one of George's favorites...!
Then we moved to the new house and got our stuff out of storage and...voila...we finally get to use the high chairs that Chris gave us.  The kids love the chairs- they have a 5 point harness and corner well, but not enough horsepower- top speed is 2 miles per hour ;-)
Jordan demonstrating how well she wears her food.
Taylor also enjoys meal time...!
At the beginning of September, the kids took solid food 3 times a day, about 4 ounces per feeding.  Whenever there are 2 adults around, we get to do a tandem feeding- here are Carol and George feeding the little ones.
Joe-pa tries to tempt Jordan with key lime pie, but she knows it's not good for her at this point, so she passes on it...
Special guest feeder Cara, trying to convince babies to eat...Jordan's certainly looking real interested.
Hey Jordan- nice bib you got there...
...and, guess what- they're reversible so when one side gets too stained, you just flip it over..!
not like these other bibs that never seem to get clean again...!
By 8 months, they liked to try to feed themselves (or at least grab the spoon and suck on it.)  Here's Jordan after a successful attempt.
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