the Twins 10 months

What terrific kids- they already like  books (for chewing on...)
Of course, some kids will chew on anything- here's Jordan...
Here's Taylor checking out the train car in the excer-saucer.
One day MJ decided to take some pix for the christmas card and everyone had too much apple juice or something and things got silly ;-) Anyhow, here's 2 terrifically cute babies!
And the girls just love Jaimee- here she is with Taylor.
Carol's been out to visit several times recently- here she is with 2 tired babies.
On thanksgiving weekend, we all went down to Fanueil Hall.  Here's George guarding the babies while everyone else gets caffeine...
Taylor was grumping a bit, so dad started carrying her- this usually gets us 5-10 minutes of quiet before we have to try something different.
The kids are still swimming.  Now they both splash around and enjoy it a ton...
...the same day, MJ convinced George to come swim with a baby- here he is with Jordan.
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