the Twins- 5 months

Definitely the cutest 2 babies in Andover... Probably all of Massachusetts...and possibly the world ;-)
George's cousin Linda, husband Art and aunt Irene make the trek from Buffalo down to New England every summer.  Here's Linda with Taylor...
...and Jordan being held by Aunt Irene.
2 little ones, trying to crawl...
Dad explains "Green Eggs and Ham" to the kids...
...and Taylor just grins 'cuz she's heard it all before.
Jordan and Taylor's first trip to Fanueil Hall.  They went grazing for a bit, then shopped at the Gap and Banana Republic.
Later that day, we stopped to visit Katie Rae;  here's our little ones with Sammy, Katie's youngest son.
Katie lent us a new baby toy- "Johnny Jump-Up".  It looks like a medieval torture device, but it works like a champ- you adjust it so the kids feet just touch the floor
Jordan, enjoying her first test drive...
Somehow this bow got on top of her head- we expect this will be terrific blackmail material in the teen years!
One morning george handed Taylor an empty milk jug... and she knew just what to do with it!
Daddy's little girls!
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