the Delivery

[wednesday, 07-feb-01]
MJ awoke with serious contractions at 5:00 AM today. They were coming every 5 minutes and lasting about 1-1/2 minutes... Around 6:30, the doctor told us she's meet us at the hospital...
Then, 2 hours later, we had 2 baby girls!
  • Jordan was born first at 8:20AM PST; she weighed 6 lbs, 7 oz and was 18 inches long.
  • Taylor came next at 8:21am pst; she weighed 6 lbs, 9 oz and was 18 inches long.
  • Jordan getting cleaned up in the operating room- here's where they're suctioning goop from her nose (and tummy)...
    ...while Taylor gets the same treatment at the next station.
    Next stop is the newborn nursery- here's Taylor's first encounter with a scale ;-)
    Pretty soon, MJ got out of recovery and into a real room.  Then they brought Taylor down to the room and mj finally got to see one of our girls up close and personal.  Also a special thanks to MJ's mother Carol- she was at the hospital the whole time and her help and support was terrific!
    george gives taylor sugar-water.  not the way we had scripted it, but MJ was in lots of pain from the C-Section and couldn't even think about breastfeeding- she's going to try again today.
    Here's Jordan in the NICU. She ingested a lot of meconium during the birth and her initial respiration rate was high and her breathing was labored, so they're monitoring her vital stats in the NICU for the next 2 days. Everything looks fine, but they're worried about infection so they're just being real cautious.
    Taylor sleeping like a baby!
    Jordan's home in the Intermediate Care Nursery.  The monitor up top watches her heart rate, respiration and the oxygen saturation in her blood.
    ...and here she is right after a bottle!
    Taylor, sleeping like a baby... ;-)
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