the Girls- March 2004

The girls love being outside; the weather broke enough in March to go out on the porch for a bit, so here they are having a snack.
Jordan prepped for hazmat duty with her face mask and latex gloves.
The girsl still get in the water every week- here they are, ready for a lesson.
They both still love it!
They also love black olives- if we serve less than 5, they complain because they can't cover all their fingers- here's Jordan showing how it's done.
Sometimes Patsi helps dress them for bed- here they are wearing pullups as hats!
They also like helping George cook- this must have been a big project because his time he actually got seats for them.
They still get on the ice once a week; Taylor was acting bored with skating, so MJ got sticks for them and it rekindled their interest.
Taylor, being cute!
George built a "dog exit" into the deck and the kids think it's a terrific playhouse...
Here's Taylor checking it out.
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