the Girls- June 2004

Jordan and Taylor with their nephew, Connor!
This year we went to wash a fire truck- the girls just weren't as into it as they had been in past years.
When Becky and Connor was here, we got a bunch of folks together from George's family- that was fun!
Taylor provides live entertainment for (from the left) Mary, Taylor, Audrey and Caley.
Jordan and Taylor have discovered "hide and seek"- here's Jordan's latest hiding place.
Hats are very in now!
Jordan and Grammie Hill hanging out.
Taylor shows George's dad how the etchasketch works...
During one hot spell, we turned down the hot tub to 90 degrees and let the girls go in- they loved it!
Taylor, loving life!
Jordan and Taylor down at caky's beach house, getting ready for breakfast at camp.
Taylor wears her cottage cheese well...!
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