the Girls- May 2004

When in doubt, shop- the girls love boring through the recycled magazine pile.
They're also very good with water and hoses.
One day we tried to get a family picture- for some reason, the autofocus didn't work and this is what we got..
After adjusting the focus, we're able to capture cute girls again!
For mother's day, MJ did the plaster hand print thing for Caky- a good time was had by all..!
We all went to the Outback-Burlington with the Littles for Mother's day- from the left, we have Kevin, Patsi, Taylor, Jordan, Aaron, George, MJ and Aubrey (Chris was not shown- he was running the restaurant!)
We never knew Buzz liked margs!
In May, Mom started doing the bicoastal commute; now the girls really treasure cuddling with mom at bedtime...
Taylor misses her mom a lot!
Jordan like goggles in the tub now...
...Taylor doesn't!
Hanging with their dad!
Taylor and bluedog ponder tomatoes!
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