the Girls- October 2004

Two happy girls in their tie-died best.
On the counter, not yet awake.
Lunch from In-n-out burger (the shake cups give it away)
Painting is still a fun passtime.
This year's halloween featured a lot of the Cat in the Hat- here's Jordan with the hat.
Of course, whereever there's an empty box, there's a kid (or two).  Here's the girls hanging out in an empty wardrobe box.
Joepa and Caky came out for Joepa's birthday- here we are, ready to party...!
Jordan sporting her new winter coat.
Jordan and Taylor were Thing 1 and Thing 2 for Halloween this year; here they are in full costume for the Montecito halloween party.
which was followed by a small snack.
...and fun on the playground.  Jordan and her friends love this 3 way bike and they really move on it!
We actually moved on Halloween day; that night, Mom took Jordan and Taylor out trick-or-treating!
October also marked the end of the outdoor swim season for the kids- here's jordan in the water the last time...
...and taylor...
...and both of them with Jules.

[ed- This is probably the last time any of us will see Jules- she's a South African native and her visa expired on a weekend jaunt into Mexico; and she was denied re-entry into the US and probably will be for at least 10 years...]

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