the Girls- September 2004

The mouse pad seems like a perfect place to park the bob builder trucks, right...?
Caky and Joepa came out for Joepa's bday.  Here's the girls modeling multiple birthday hats.
...and the birthday party in full swing.
One fun thing we did every Thursday was go to the Los Altos Farmers' Market.  Besides great quality produce, they had a jumpy house and face painting.  Here's Jordan showing off her ice cream cone
...and Taylor got a shark.
Two girls having an ice cream snack on the back deck.
Caky sent these terrific new coats for them; and they love 'em.
We hooked up the sky chairs on the back deck and the kids felt left out; so we got these kiddy sacks from Ikea and hung them up..!
We also see David and Martha Bills on a regular basis- here they are with the girls; everyone's wearing ears  and tails (not shown...)
Then one day we went to a birthday party and they had a balloon person; both girls got these cool hats!
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