First Snow Ever

The day before Thanksgiving (27-nov-02), we got 7" of snow, so the girls got to experience playing in the winter wonderland for the first time.   Here's Jordan checking out her snow suit.
Here's Taylor with the prerequisite 4 layers of protection (before the snow suit).  The way-cool hat was built by George's sister Sharon many moons ago; the kids love it!
Jordan's first step into the frozen tundra- she's looking less than impressed..!
At this age, the girls imitate everything, so we figured they should learn how to shovel snow early ;-)  Here's Jordan getting acquainted with the shovel (she actually did this on her own...)
Taylor, on the other hand, seems less than interested.  Dad's holding the shovel but she just doesn't get it yet.
Dad-the-manager gave the girls a little pep talk just to get everyone with the program.
OK, now they've got it!
You know, this snow thing isn't so bad after all!  Let's try skiing next time!
(ed- no skiing lessons until they turn 3!)

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