the Girls- 23 months

Yes, they really do take skating lessons once a week.  They're on single blade skates without toe picks.  At first, they teach them to just stand on the skates; moving your feet comes later.  By a year from now, they'll skate better than George ever did [ed- that's pretty easy!]
Jordan knows that good grooming is important for all young ladies- of course, it helps if the brush is held bristle-side down ;-)
Is this trouble or what?  Taylor, at the ripe old age of 22 months, has figured out if you drag a chair over to the sink, you can climb on it to get at stuff... There are now many days when the chair gets hidden in the mudroom...!
Our little angels during story hour..
It's almost impossible to get a good picture of everyone at once...
... here's a great shot of mj holding our youngest daughter, Taylor.  
Another great shot of mj, this time with the older, more cooperative daughter, Jordan.
Here's Jaimee, our sitter.  She just got her favorite Christmas present- the annual J & T Calendar!  The girls are seeing it for the first time (and tickled pink with pictures of themselves)
Of course, Jaimee went way overboard with stuff for the girls- here they are opening up the massive Lego set...
...and then unwrapping the stand-up easel.
Jordan's been practicing stacking the nested blocks.  She just built this tower all by herself!  We had to snap this photo quick because the next fun thing to do is knock the stack over- that happened 5 seconds later..
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