the Girls- 21 months

The kids help dad rip out cabinets for the new refrigerator.
This is a TERRIFIC shot of our little ones- George made the refrigerator hole in the cabinets 13" wider and the girls loved playing in there!  We just happened to snap this perfect picture!
The girls have figured out the "raiding the icebox" concept.  In fact, when we go in the refrigerator, they point out what they want (and, at times, will go over and try to open the fridge themselves..)
Jordan and Taylor love "Maisy", this cartoon mouse character on Noggin...
Taylor practices with the "torment the dogs" duck.
The kids are very comfortable now just climbing all over the furniture.
Jordan- just being cute..!
The kids eat almost everything- here they are munching on fresh carrots from the garden.
More playgroup madness..!
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