the Girls- 23 months

We had a breather between Christmas and New Years- all our guests left and George had the week off.  Here's a great shot of MJ and kids vegging in front of the boob tube (probably watching "Blues Clues")
The kids like having "family dinner" with us, so we're trying to do that more.  Here's Taylor after a satisfying meal of gruel, curds and lard ;-)
Jordan loves hats- here she is modeling the Santa hat.
Two babies hanging on the couch.
Someone in the crowd got them a drum for Christmas.  Fortunately, it's not very loud and they don't hit it very hard... yet.  Jordan knows the strap is too long, but she's working it anyway.
Taylor's enjoying herself, also.  She's wearing Vaughan's hat (just not wearing it very well)
The threesome- december 2002.  Our neighbor Vaughan is 6 months younger than the twins, so they'll be in the same grade together- probably for the next 15 years!
Jordan loves dressing up.  Here she models one of dad's sweatshirts and his hat [ed- be careful before criticizing the hat- George's gramma knitted it for him when he a teenager..!]I
Around New Years Day 2003, we took another 10"+ of snow.  Here's a good shot of how much snow we really had...!
Ah- perfect photo op!  Let's sit both babies on top of the snowpile and photograph them.  Dad's instructing Taylor to stay put and not slide off the wall and crash into the driveway because that will ruin the picture...
After many wasted electrons (and frames), success!  We get a great shot of our 2 beautiful babies!
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