the Girls- 20 months

Two cute babies, checking out an Eames chair.
Jordan frolicking on the lawn...
Taylor wears her pasta well.
[ed- you just knew we were eventually going to have one of these shots...]
This summer, MJ went out and got the kiddie wading pool that we put on the porch... and the kiddes just love it!
On hot dogs (read, every day), they get their swim trunks and shirts on and head outside...
...and go crazy splashing and hooting and hollering and just generally enjoying themselves.
Taylor, showing Vaughan her split finger fastball...
"... and then you snap your wrist at the end to give it a little more kick..."
Jordan, soaking up the rays.
Snack time- these kids certainly have a tough life...
Our neighbor Amy and her son Vaughan, winner of the the-cutest-boy-on-the-block contest!
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