the Girls- 22 months

Jaimee and 2 cute kids!
The girls are very comfortable now climbing on almost everything.
Jordan, doing a puzzle..
One day we brought some small buckets of snow in the house for the kids to play with.  Needless to say, most of this wound up on the floor, but they had a good time.
Important to learn good soccer techniques early (like if they're going to get to the ball before you, tackle them!)
If you put too much weight on one side of the toy box, it will fall over..!
Everyone likes dressing up- Here's Jordan wearing dad's awful orange coat; and Taylor sporting some Packers gear.
Taylor, being adoreable,  in a totally retro shot...
Every year, I marvel at how MJ manages to get a good shot for the Christmas card... so let's go behind the scenes to check it out...!
Ah-ha!  This year's photo was taken in the family room!  The coffee table served as the bench and, if i'm not mistaken, the backdrop is one of our bedsheets...
Of course, there are all the usual problems like your dress won't stay down...
... not to mention everyone's attention span is measured in seconds and the actors are constantly trying to crawl off the set...
This shot was a contender...
But, eventually, you get the shot that works- here's this year's entry.
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