The Girls - 18 Months

Two very cute babies with their dad- they ARE starting to get some hair...!
Now that Jordan is walking, she's getting very good at swiping stuff and running off with it- here she is with the kitchen mouse..!
Taylor's first encounter with an unpeeled banana- it was successful!
Jordan actually has a swim-diaper on her head...
The girls both climb into the toybox whenever they want now...
Even though she's getting much bigger, jordan still does the suck-and-swirl when she's tired.
mom- did i eat enough yet for desert?
Taylor wears her dinner well.
Taylor wound up with roseola (which gives you a moderate temperature and full body rash for a couple of days- it's actually pretty benign and most all of us have had it...)
here's a close up of her face- her little body was covered with a rash... (but 3 days later, she was good as new!)
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